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Website Creation software

Themes & Theme Maker

Simbla Support -


If you want to give your website a great design concept, you can use the Theme Maker. It simply changes the overall appearance of your website, while keeping your content the same. Let's say you add a certain block containing different elements such as text, icons and a headline.  Picking a new theme for the website will change different aspects of these elements, such as fonts, size, background colors and more.

How to change a theme:

Step 1:

Click on the theme picker on the left of the screen.


As you can see, we are currently using the theme with the white borderline.


Step 2:

Now we will choose a different theme and see the result of the change immediately.


As you can see, the content stayed the same while a wide variety of visual changes have been made.


Theme maker

You can make a theme and customize it yourself. This will make designing easier, as you are making a coherent and consistent pattern for your website.

How to customize a theme:

Step 1:

Go to the theme toolbar and pick "Customize theme".


Each theme contains 4 "Block styles" which you can customize differently.

 Step 2:

After picking the "block style" you wish to edit, you will see all the elements you can change. Each element has its own changeable features. Customize them as you wish.


Step 3:

After you have finished editing the different elements, click on "Publish" to save your customized theme.


Step 4:

You can define every block in your website with any "Block style". When clicking on a block, you will get the "Block style" picker. Choose the one you want.


Now you can make your website look even nicer without any effort!

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